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Objects for Images 2008
I was invited to participate in an exhibition entitled Open for Business—a series of week long artist-initiated exchanges at Triple Base in San Francisco. I had been thinking about alternative forms of documentation for my studio practice. I wanted something more discursive and social than photographs and descriptive text. "Objects for Images" is an initial experiment toward that idea.
I chose objects from my studio: tests, models, things I'd collected for their shape or color or texture, and displayed them on a 4 x 7 gridded table top. I offered these to visitors to the gallery in exchange for a drawing or written impression of the object. Drawings and texts collected for the exchange were hung on the wall in a corresponding grid so that over the course of the exhibition the grid on the table emptied as the grid on the wall filled up.
Objects, melamine, sawhorses, pencil; 82" x 59.5" x 52."
Objects, melamine, sawhorses, pencil, drawings; 82" x 59.5" x 52."
Objects, melamine, sawhorses, pencil, drawings; 82" x 59.5" x 52."
Objects, melamine, sawhorses, pencil, drawings; 82" x 59.5" x 52."
Pencil and watercolor; 8.5" x 8.5."
Colored pencil; 8.5" x 8.5."
Watercolor; 8.5" x 8.5."
Pencil and watercolor; 8.5" x 8.5."
Colored pencil and watercolor; 8.5" x 8.5."